Tae-eun Kwon, Ph.D.
B.S., Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University
M.S., Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University (Feb 2015), Advisor: Prof. Jaeki Lee
(Thesis: Uncertainties in internal dosimetry of tritiated water for nuclear power plant workers)
Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University (Aug 2021), Advisor: Prof. Yoonsun Chung
(Dissertation: Korean-specific internal dose assessment for radioiodine)
연구원, 한국원자력의학원 국가방사선비상진료센터 방사선량평가부 (2016.03 - 2022.02)
Post-doc, Department of radiation epidemiology, National Cancer Institute (NCI), Maryland, USA (2022.03 - current)
Hoyeon Jeong, M.S.
B.S., Physics, Soonchunhyang University (Feb 2019)
M.S., Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University (Feb 2023), Advisor: Prof. Yoonsun Chung
(Thesis: Evaluation of the personal dosimeter response for organ dose reconstruction of Korean radiation workers)
연수연구원, 한국원자력의학원 국가방사선비상진료센터 방사선량평가부 (2021.01 - 2023.01)
의학물리사, 연세암병원 (2023.05 - current)
Hyunwoo Lee, M.S.
B.S., Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University (Feb 2023)
M.S., Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University (Feb 2025), Advisor: Prof. Yoonsun Chung
(Thesis: TBD)
학-연 협동과정 연구원, 한국원자력연구원 안전관리단 방사선안전관리부 (2023.03 - current)
박사과정, 한양대학교 원자력공학과 (2025.03 - current)
Sooin Shin, M.S.
B.S., Radiological Science, Catholic University of Pusan (Feb 2023)
M.S., Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University (Feb 2025), Advisor: Prof. Yoonsun Chung
(Thesis: Evaluation of Operational Intervention Levels for Decision-making on protective actions during nuclear accidents at research reactors)
학-연 협동과정 연구원, 한국원자력연구원 안전관리단 원자력환경방재부 (2023.03 - 2024.10)
연구원, 한국원자력의학원 국가방사선비상진료센터 비상진료정책부 (2024.11 - current)